COVID-19 Guidelines
The club is now open, however members are asked to abide by the following rules which have been derived from Archery GB guidelines.
Do not attend if you are ill or a member of your family is ill.
Do not attend if you have been in contact with someone who is ill within the last 10 days.
Wear a face covering when not shooting and less than 2m from other members (unless exempt).
Only touch and use your own equipment, no borrowing from the club equipment or from other members.
Sanitize hands before and after handling bosses and stands.
Max number of archers at the range is 6.
Max number of archers per boss is 1 (unless in your social bubble).
Hand sanitizer will be available in the club hut.
No eating on the range.
Maintain 2m social distancing (especially on the shooting line).
Ideally the bosses will be 3m apart (edge to edge) to allow for collection of arrows.
Only touch your own arrows (and equipment) if you find someone else's tell them but do not collect it for them.
Announce your intention to shoot on the Facebook page/Google group, (arrival time and rough idea of duration) if you arrive without letting anyone know and the range is full (6 archers) you will not be able to shoot, priority on the line will be given to those who have said they are shooting.
Non key holders will have to organise their shooting to coincide with key holders so if you are a keyholder please include this in your message announcing you intend to shoot.
Coaching sessions are currently suspended until further notice.